Assignment #2
Due Date: 23:59
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Late Policy
- Please hand in the homework via cyber university
- {"1 day late"=>"Original score × 0.9"}
- {"2 days late"=>"Original score × 0.7"}
- {"3 days late"=>"Original score × 0.5"}
- {"From the 4th day onward"=>"Submission is not accepted, and the assignment will receive a score of 0."}
- {"If you have concerns about your grade, please contact the TA within one week after the grade is released. Late appeals will not be accepted. Example"=>"If the grade is released on January 1st, you must contact the TA by January 8th. Appeals after January 8th will not be processed."}
This is assignment2.
Please hand in the homework via the assignment center in the cyber university before 03/19 (Wed.) 23:59.
Please hand in your assignment with “ipynb” or “pdf” file.
Be sure to show all the outputs and expand all the sections for each cell before handing in the assignment.